Making a guest list

I spoke with a couple recently who explained that if they didn’t limit their guest list to 25 they would have to invite 250 people!

They were faced with a common tendency to allow unnecessary and unrealistic expectations to dictate the guest list. When that happens, your seating chart can get real big - real fast! It seems to grow exponentially because if you invite a single friend, they will expect to bring a date. If you invite that one cousin, you may be obligated to invite everyone else on that side the family. The pressure can mount until you are tempted to include all social media friends from multiple platforms that ever liked your #engagementring photo. 

With Covid concerns and various state regulations, a short guest list is increasingly popular, and intimate wedding celebrations are on the rise. Even so, it may be hard to slash the list without the need to apologize and blame the budget or Covid!

Set aside the long guest list for just a moment. Consider the idea of choosing witnesses. Put on your “Witness List” people who have personally invested in your preparation for marriage, are trusted to help navigate the challenging days ahead, and who can affirm the working of God in your lives. 

It is wonderful when the list of chosen witnesses and the original guest list look the same. Couples may find one list significantly shorter than the other. In either case, share your celebration with those who recognize the honor of the occasion and rejoice with you both.

~ Nancy

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...Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb! ...
— Revelation 19:9
Nancy WilkGuest List